Engine mounts RB25DET for Skyline Polyurethane 60ShA for Nissan Skyline R33, R34, serial pads number is 11220 21U00
When the power increases, the engine torque causes excessive movement - these pads completely eliminate this effect.
This solution helps to reduce these loads, and is also a better solution when replacing an old factory cushion that wears ... ™ over time. Helps to stabilize engine torque and drive system for better ... response.
Made to customer order with over 500 horsepower engine - serial pads could not withstand
Recommended during the swap on the RB25DET engine. Also recommended in Sport and Drift.
The kit includes left ... and right ... engine mount
Engine mounts for the Nissan Skyline with RB25DET
the auction concerns a set, i.e. left and right pillows